Repair Ticket Management

Fixify is built for repair shops, by repair shops.

100% Cloud Based

All of your data is stored in the cloud, safe & secure. Access your data from any device at any time.

Screen Responsive

Built to work on Computers, Tablets & Mobile - you can book in devices or take payments from anywhere.

Extend & Integrate

Ready to roll - choose from SMS integration, PBX integration and more. Visit our integrations page for more info.


An overview of the many features available in Fixify

Ticket Dashboard

View a complete overview of your store with a birds eye view of all open tickets.

Customer Management

Store unlimited information on your customers, including orders; communications and device information.

Products & Parts Management

Load your repair parts and add them to orders as you use them for stock management and billing the customer.


We've added customisation features such as SMS alerts for customers, Postcode lookups and device unlocking.